1. How can I buy products from your online store?

    • Browse our website, select the items you want, and add them to your shopping cart. Then follow the instructions to make payment.
  1. Which payment methods are accepted?

    • We accept major payment methods such as credit cards, PayPal and other secure payment options. Details can be found in the payment section during checkout.
  2. How do I find out more about new collections and special offers?

    • Subscribe to our newsletter to receive regular updates on new collections, special offers and exclusive discounts.
  3. Can I change or cancel my order after it has been placed?

    • Unfortunately, we cannot make changes to orders once they have been completed. Please check your order carefully before confirming the purchase.
  4. How can I check the status of my order?

    • You will receive a confirmation email with a tracking link to track the status of your order. Alternatively, you can log in to your customer account to view the status.
  5. What shipping options are available and how long does shipping take?

    • We offer various shipping options, the availability and delivery times of which are displayed during checkout. By default, delivery time within [country] is usually [number] of business days.
  6. Are there international deliveries?

    • Yes, we offer international shipping. Shipping costs and delivery times vary depending on the destination.
  7. How do returns and exchanges work?

    • For information about returns and exchanges, please see our returns policy. Contact our customer service for further assistance.
  8. Are the colors and sizes shown online exactly like in reality?

    • We make every effort to display colors and sizes accurately. However, please note that actual colors may vary depending on your screen settings. Check our size chart for precise information.
  9. What do I do if a product arrives defective or damaged?

    • Contact our customer service immediately and send us pictures of the defective item. We will endeavor to resolve the issue as quickly as possible.
  10. How do you protect my personal information?

    • We take the protection of your data seriously. Read our privacy policy to learn how we collect, use and protect your information.
  11. How can I contact customer service?

    • You can contact us via our contact form on the website or by email at [customer service email]. We are at your disposal to answer your questions.